
Attn: artists

This weekend I went to a matinee of the symphony, which had a famous guest conductor. As I was watching this conductor move so beautifully, I wondered if anybody had ever based paintings or sculpture on the path of a conductor's baton. (I also wondered what percentage of conductors have had dance training in their past.) A quick Google search showed nothing (and if it doesn't show up on a Google search, then it doesn't exist!).

Wouldn't that be cool though? A series of paintings as if the baton was a paintbrush, and they could be of snippets from all sorts of pieces with different moods, different composers, and different significances. Even cooler would be a 3-D rendering of the path of the tip of the baton using sculpture! Especially in a dramatic piece with lots of stabs and jabs and over-the-shoulder stuff. I know a bit about conducting due to my musician parents and my years in choir, and there are certain moves that are common to pieces in 3/4, 4/4, etc. But conductors go WAY beyond those moves, and the great conductors are like dancers.

That's just something I'd like to see. I can't be the first one who has thought of this. Maybe I'll run into something like it someday!


Mermanda said...

I think that would be rather awesome. Time to commission some art, lady!

amanda said...

You should make something like this happen!

Matt said...

I'm with Amamda...

make it happen!

Sophia said...

Mermanda - yup..first step: throwing it out there!

Amanda and Matt - if only I had the resources and time...Gotta get that PhD first! :P